VALUE OF JUDGE HERBERTS PROVISION STATIONS. THURSDAY ISLAND, Tuesday. The Her. Father Shaw's wireless Installaton was completed on Saturday, but have been received, News from Port Moresby by the steamer Marie Engiand, which arrived yesterday ris Daru, that the installation would 1 not de completed until to-day. It has transpired that none of the search parties out after Mr.
Staniforth Smith are el aware that he has returned in safety, The steamer Merrie England leaves tomorning for Port Moresby, tuking the Cowarra ketch in tow, but will call at Daze first, and go thence to Goariberi to up Judge Herbert, who has been mpalsing search expedition, and who mublished provision stations, at one cf which, on the Kikori River, Mr. Ataniforth Saith and party obtained necemsury relief. At a luncheon given on Saturday, Mr. Manitorth Smith briefly to the trip they had travelled made, on The expedition, he mid, had foot an near AR ho could calculate 374 miles by land and by 150 miles. He estimated the native popalation of th: country he travelled through at about then 12,000.
Its productive area was grenter say other part of Britich Papua. Mr. Staniforth Smith apparently reto speak of the hardships he experienced. After the divanter re the river, whereby all the records were lost, he humwan reparated from the others for live sad half during which he was foodand without hat nr boots. Subar.
mently covering for the foet was imurofrom nicking, and afterwards fibre were used, but only two or three wear WAR obtained from them. Boils the out leg. on the After ankles and the lower part getting on the bank of de river he found that only the inside ftting of the helmet remained round his and he had to ret leaves from bushes, which ho held in place by the helmet AtAbout 120 miles were traveled in thin guise. Latterly Mr. Bell and Mr.
Pratt were getting anxious about his ability to continue walking ulcerpores on feet, but Mr. Smith contmued to moak lightly of them. Ar. Prait also had to devise a head vering. He contrived a kind of plaited lat.
giving him A Appearance. Death by drowning appeared imminent when the rafta were being carried amid the rapida, moka and poois. hut although practically everything WOK mome Lina of cocoa, with rifles nad ammunition. were saved. Fmpty tins with walrh and rel meter had been rendered useless Chronigh hut, broken into parts, cach piece hecame something tive to the natives, for which they readily exchanged sago, yams and taro.
enobling the travellere to save time looking out for 1180 palms and preparing the product for An intense feeling of relief war experimeed when the party came POTOMA A depot under Judge Herhort' dirootion. and with lighter hearts they set out in a whaleboat f.r the coast, Eight diva were nouried in this way. and thother four reached in reaching Thured.y Darn, laland By two the weeks' time they rent and quod food had restored them compately. OUTRAGE ON A CHILD ACCUSED FOUND GUILTY. SENTENCED TO DEATH.
Frank Woods, aged 25, by occupation kborer, wAR placed on trial at the (rimiml Court, before the Chief Justice and A of twolve, yesterday on a charge of bring committed a serious offence on aged years at North Melbourne 17th December last. Mr. prosecuted on behalf of the Crown, and Mr. P. J.
Ridgeway appeared for nevised. The case occupied the greater part of day in the hearing, and the jury, after atizement of about two hour, returned wart with verdict of guiity, Bin Honor, in paming sentence, said bad been convicted of a very hideous crime, a crime that was all the worse beit was so frequent, and he comi fragine that parents of little be always in to allow them to ube the Air anywhere, lest come scoundrel of accused's kind should be lying in wait ahamanly to destroy them. There WAS arely a sitting of tha: court at which the dace were not confruated with more or ariona crimes of this character. Prisoner had done the chid the greatest He had taken that child with the greatest harm that he could have done her. pable deliberation.
and conveyed her to distance of two miles from her tu a position that had nearned able for his purpose, and had undoubtediy alicted the ingury upon her. What hie Brockener the Governor might do in conaidering the matter with his advisers hi. Honor did not kar-w: it was nol for him to conjecture. That grave hind pathing that hiP know of to extenuate it: but that. matter remained for them It only remained for him to the sentence which the law prescribed in meh CaNE Seatence of death WAR then formally prosendeed, and arcused.
who had received the pronouncement calinly, was removed from dock, PORT OF MELBOURNE. DELAYED GOVERNMENT SCHEME. DIFFICULTY OVERCOME. The Acting Minister af Public Works Mr. Edgar) yesterday recelved a letter from the harbor trust intimating that th, trust in willing to meet the wisher of the Gorerament with reapeut to the dredging required in connection with the new pier to ba built at Port Melbourne.
The chairas af the trust aubmitted the matter to the committee, with the result that it was to lend to the Public Works departnest ont three dumb hopper barges and ta lend the necessary towing operations; time work, the dredge Bunyip for part The and tow the material raised by condition is laid down that the department is to have its own dredge, the charge silt altored no that it may diainto the hopper hargon. The the parment of wages and cost of towing is, of arrangement of the letter, to be a matter espartment. In previone the trust negotiations and the the betworn would Minister be intimated that the vice, rendered willing by to thr bear trust. the The coat of depart- Herwith the to be improvement in 8 position works to at pro- an curly data A RIVERINA HOMESTEAD. MARRIED WOMAN'S APPLICATION.
A FINE LAW POINT. An important polat-the WAGGA. frat of Monday. the Homestead Conversion its Act kind raised nt the witting of the local of is board today, and the had liktly to hare an important decision bearing arrived The future applications bay married application right to was lodged by Emily Bradwomen. selection into an original convert her conditional homestead chase selection.
the purof Patrick Bradley. applicant The point being the 10 the power of Arose Wring apart a married woman to make not original act conditional 1800. It was purchase, argued, having in we. to that applicant having been permit- howpaparate require homestead block out estate, and by permission of it Mialster, into an was new original privileged to conboard, married after argument. ruled conditional from holding an original woman was conditional dewhilst Mvine her hneband, act did sot debar her from selection inta bal that tha act otbar provisions of NEW SETTLERS.
ITALIAN IRRIGATIONISTE. AGENT VISITING VICTORIA. The Minister of Lands (Mr. was yesterday waited on by Mr. d.
Farrando, Acting Consul General for Italy in Australia, who informed him that the Italian Government is sending two experta 10 Victoria to make inquiries 173 the intereata of nome experienced irrigationiste who contemplate settling in thin State. During their recent tour Meusra. and Mead visited Italy in search of desirA.bla settlers, as irrigation farming has been carried to a high point of efficiency by the ltalians, but the farmers did not seem to be desirous of emigrating. It is now hoped, however, that come of them will be duced to come after they have read the report of the experta who are now on their way to Victoria. Next Tourmlay the Minister of Lands and the members of the Water and the Closer Settlement Board will confer regarding several questions allecting AGR settlera, A party of land seekers from overses will leave Melbourne for Rochester under Lito guidoner of Mr.
F. Haseett to-day. They will include come of the Commonwealth's passengers and mane of the Americans who came by the Zealandia. A second class portman in Malta is of starting as farmer in Victoria a fairly extensive In a letter which har been received by Mr. H.
O. Allan. chief officer of the Intelligence Bureau, he RAVA that he no means, but wants £1000 worth of land. for lira stock and alan Ho £200 would more for some unsperited purpose. ahlel he willing (but probably not return the money 'at the rate of £975 per nontum.
His proposal has not met with favor. The Government jA convening a inesting of the occupiers of amall holdings, to lie for bril the nt Cobuna at 11 a.m. next Saturday, for their mutual benefit. It ia the desire of purpose of forming an organisation the Government to afford them facilities for meeting officers of the Lands and may Water receive Supply instrurtion department, and so that they guidance and may not be placed nt a disadvantage in purchasing live stock and general farm equipment, Departmental officers will attend the meeting. Two pamphleta for the information of ment settlers of have prepared by the DepartAgriculture.
One of these is on Mr. Poultry V. Farming Hawkina. on Small Holdings, by Raising and the other on Pig in Victoria, by Mr. H.
Smith. WHARFAGE RATES. HARBOR TRUST'S PROPOSALS. The most important matter to he dealt with the Melbourne Harbor Trunt at meeting is the tariff of wharfage rates drawn utp by the finance commitice in accordance with the principles laid down hy the Slate TresAurer. A revived schedule was forwarded to the Treasurer Lint year, but on 15th September the trust was advised thut he could not recommend the Governor in Council to approve of the rates unlem there were gO differentiation in the charges levied on intor-State and oversen gnode; the principles governing the imposition were retention and increase of busimend; the amounts rained were governed by the trust's requirements, subject to a conto tribution the of one-lifth of the grume revenue no free Treasury; list.
and Under there was pructically schedule the propo-ed new lose it ie entimated that the trust will one-fiftrenth of ita revenue. The The amount realisel last Fear was £223,000. at goods per ton which it those is propored to charge at the are which are charged present rute of per ton, and not specified under orher headinge. Goods to At be charged and at per ton at4nd at present quence of the goods at Treasurer's at In contedirection on uniState formity the TAte of per ton for inter. goods will be abolished by the that posal, and the charge made uniform with for oversea gooda.
'The committee recommends the following bage, Goods at bran per bare, Ton. and beers, apparel, Line, varbule cocod wrolpacks, bonturn. butter. hop, coffee jute, and fute bear, and cotton goode, drapery. kap match kemacne, (bulk), matobra ani colt and umphtba, making oila, rubhot, material, motor and garA-De, rum.
tru, tobacco, cigars, brandy. turpentine, gin, wire, wince, woullent. vanied: at wire, iron per Ton. -Iron and steel, not galGoodly nt per and ateel, timber, wool. land, cattle Ton.
bran and pol. mingle, food, casks, barrels, carthe, phocphatie reck. orange and lemon, ores, Gunts at per Ton. -Bags (recondhand), ba coke blankets, and rumens charcoal, (in states bags and only), chluary. dairy four, fruit.
m.c.I.. empty furniture fresh riska throken), graln (harley, (a condhand), glam maize, la, MAI beans, wheat). hay and chaff, hidea, lime, honey, live jant row arl saucer, lead, leather, bolting, brown personal milk, mola a onl: cyste paper, and household turniture, potators, and arup, (unwrought), trilow, the al tintor vegetable, wuol. Gene I. at 3d.
per Ton. -Dallast, emply retu TH, 808414. wand and mate! al In pry Ton. -All or otter. Code to he at the option of the 3 flarhor T.ust 075 tor the Port or for reclamation fruwond, groda do holonzGanda Ex from Wha posited ire mann, to bones, the Gow live luggage, homeduat, stock.
EXPORTATION OF WHEAT. ACTION BY GROWERS. At the conclusion of the lecture upon Cooperative Wheat Storage by Mr. J. L.
Dow, of "The Leader," under the auspices of the Nathalin Agricultural Mociety, the vice-president of the society, Mr. Geary, in the chair, a of the of the address was initiated by Cr. Tuckett, president of the shire, who thoroughly CILdoreed the advice given for the 1u erect their own Alorage sheda 41 the railway stutiona, and thus secure control of their own wheat. It was agreed chat if the buyers had to come to the growers for their wheat. instead of the grower running after the buyers, the situation would be on more common sense basis then at present.
Having their wheat under their OWN cuntrol also would facilitate direct whip lis the farmers on the cAl10 lines an adopind in the butter trade. The determination of the meeting was to arrange Ag RH practicable for direct DuDe ments of what by the growere, the dame AR with the butter. into the hands of relable brokers, together with supervision by representatives of the growers theme Figures wore real by: 4.00 of the -p. akers giving thy Invers' price of wheat for that Uny the ralway station, bushel. and al the sell ng price of Antstralian whom in 1.0 for the day.
4 9. out ny the Victorian A whirh tigurrs, together Math an of two railway freight Melbourne and Ltig freight to! London, showed an striking a di-crepanty HA to il margin in favor of farmer' dirert exportation. It resolved to take stepa to lest the London in ins way. nurl aloo that the farmers' consignments should carry the Government certifirate AN to quality. LAN THIS DAY.
HIGH COUNT. (Helore the Juation Chin! Mr. Just Ent O' 'onuor and Mr. lance, al -Lothian Rickards (part hear.D). Cox v.
And COSMOS WEALTH COURT OF CONCILIATION AND On Second Clvil Court. he. fern Mr. Jution Higgins, at 10.30.) -Federated Engine Drivers and Flemen's tioti V. Broken Proprietaty Co.
and others (part, A TI 'E I. COURT. I Belore Mr. Just'co Modern. al and onlory to Mr.
Justice FIRAT Refore Harrison Ran and a Migurl jury of apart Mix. 10.30.0-Downer worthy v. Ricirl. MANGO (Rotore Mr. Juatice 10.20.)-In re Catherine E.
Moore, deceived (part. brand, Andor4 in Y. Bell and other, Graham and another 1. r'ade. counter claims Graham Arr others.
COUNTY COURT. (Belore Judge Jot.nston, at 10 :0. Jarrett 1, HmAWTI LICE.NOES REDUCTION BOARD. In Law InitiRooms. Law Courts, at 19.50.) -Deprivation witting, North Richmond licensing district: Dude of Curen's Arms Hotel, SECOND COUNTY be held in Insolvency Court.
be lore Juice Box. Taylor at Y. 10.00.) V. Hutton (part heard), Whittan Stone and another, CRIMINAL COURT. the Chief Justice, at trials of Winifred and Ettie Ransom Red (mart heard).
Percy Edward Fynch, OF rant health, that la rateral, Chamberlain's Tablets will pallively belp you Let dr. THE DISPUTED BOUNDARY. COSTLY ACTION. TO-DAY'8 SPORTING CALENDAR. Wednesday, Find Raging (lab 8t.
rick's Race Club meeting: Elmore Racing Club meeting: Yarragon Racing Club meeting: Macarthur Racing Club ing; Kalgnortie raors, W.A. day). Racing down the line will be resumed today for the Art time since the completion of the long dragged rut autumn campaign, and Mr. J. L.
Reilly provided for the occasion at Epsom, the heat appointed and one of the meat popular of the south of the Farra coursca. It is four month since Epsom was last visited. The programme embracen trehly divided handicap, Jumpera' Flat Face, 1 Steeplechase and Epsom Handicap, all of which have been liberaly mupported by ownern. There in therefore every prompect of an afternoon's sport, Mr. Reilly reporte the course to be in Mine order.
The unnal service of special trains will be in force, and racing will commence at 2.35. DIVISION HANDICAP. Six furiong. SKYROLT, 0.1 BAMDRA, 4.10 BONAX, JUMPERS' FLAT RACE. One mile and quarter.
twenty -four haina. GOLDEN BROWN, 10.5 MILION, 10.1 EASY JACK, 10.11 3 EPaM HANDICAP. One mile. MOTO4, SENREICHT, 7.0 COPPERTOP. 7.7 3 THIRD DIVINON MANDICAP.
Five furlongs. B.It TORNDA, THRAVE, 8.19 The following neralchings were made yesterday for to-day'a meeting at Khedive Epsom: and Second Recovery. Division Third Division Handicap: Lady Handicap: Bemba and Pretane. Nitro, As far as numbers are concerned, this State is well represented in the Hydney Cup up to the preacut stage, but the declaration of frat forfeita nett innocent Monday, wholesale inevitably take "Alaughter place: of the Although owned will and bred close to the northern of the Murray by family of Mortar more identified with rau.ng in men this State than in New Nouth ales, by reason trained of at being Fleming: 11 non Wallace and ton, has become regarded an for a incluling Victorian anset, and this is the lint excuse of horses nominhim in the hehul appended thie ated Gn State in the SYDNEY CUP, of 4000 sove added. Two miles 9 10 Golden Point 1 st, the 1b.
Mindful Prizefighter The 8 12 Well Dutc Ur rove Babades Ardul Mela Ga Mnemon fauthermal Maturer Diaboto 10 Golden Cairo Volta tO Bequatiow 7 10 ilb. penatry. Hince the publication of the wrights for the Sydney Cup, no horse has boon Mtaken mare win. ner, discuased whose than candidature occupier the upthe Champion permoat place, in public, estimation. are the The moat Parisian, talked Apple about of the other prospective Pie and Byplay competitors.
Trafulgar has and been in set view A0 easy tank to win attractive with 9.10, inducements held of the more out to him in the weight for age were eventA the at Randwick, it would be well racing publie gencrally to dwell the pending craze the neceptancea before joining in instigated by the for impulsive: Trafalgar's people present who exresponsible alted position. He has only' 1 lb. more to carry than when he declined the content for the Auitralian Cup, and it in not anlikely that he will again drop out and be reserved exclusively for such rich eventa a8 the mile; Autumn All Aged Stakes, of sova. adStakes, of 1000 nddad, ded, one mile; and A.J.C. Plate, of 1500 added, three milea.
In the first two of these events Comedy King will again prove stumbling block in the way of Trafalgar, Da at and Flemington, and this nay prove a consideration in inducing Trafalgar to have a cut in for the rich prize attached to the Sydney and then, after a four days' rest. take On all comers in the A.J.C. Plate. An Comedy King declined meeting Trafalgar in the Champion Stabra, it in DO certainty that he will be asked to try conclusions wit.1 the gallant chestnut in the three miles rae: Randwick. Alawa (8.7) WAS showing signa of improvement in euch of his successive races at Flemington, and, provided all goer weil with him, he may prove cherry ripe when he next chows fight.
By awarding him 5 lb. lesa than he was given in the Au6tralian Cup, and thya placed in a 6 1b. better position compared with Trafalgar, Alana has farorable treatment at the hands of the A.J.C. handicapper. which is inore than can be said of the pony Pendil.
who, at 8.12. IM AR idly in handled an his etable companion Bobby the Doncaster Handiran. Taking the ment of the Ronny Vale horses all round, there is considerable justification for the general assumption that handicappers in thia and the adjoining State are in large measure responsible for driving Mr. J. Wilson, team off the turf.
From winning the Australian Cup with bt. 7 lb. to 8 st. 19 lb. in the Sydney Cup in a very lift for The Parisian.
but the Bobadil polding made much a ludicrous exhibition of the field oppored to at Flemington that there is no knowing how good br really jA, The full length of his tether has yet to be revealed. Ona thing is evident. narcly, that on level terms The Parisian could safely he trusted to beat the overburdened Peadil. the vony. Blairgour (8 at.
4 lh.) will have it chance of asserting himself in the Doncaster llandicap than in the Sydney Cup, even at 8 Ih. less. In being placed on the same mark as his A J.C'. vanquisher, Tavani Nt. Robadea has not received any more convileration Mr.
J. Daly than bin stable Pendil in the Cup and Robby in the Doncaster Handicap. Neither has Danana (8 st. 3 lb.) tor Dinholo (7 mt. 10 also momber of the Bunny Vale team, heen selected as special objects for leniency.
In view of the general exodus of Victorian candidates from the Sydney Cup between thin and forfeit time on Monday it would be futile to discuss the chances of the remaining homes on the above list. Suffice to say, that in the event of THE PARISIAN surviving the scratching pen and showing battle. he will be our main hope. The following scratchings for the meting were made yesterday at the V.R.C. I otice: Sires' Produce taken: Finith.
Champagne Htakes: Flaith, Manakrit, Fam. Nt. Lever: Little Alam, Vite Vite, Trothermal. Doncaster Handicap: Mela. Sydney C'up: Maln.
The Warracul St. Patrink'a day portpoped will he held on Friday next. The first atage of the autumn campaign on the Western Australian gold having been compicted at the running will to day be taken up at Kalgoorlie, where the Guineas and Kalgoorlic Handicap. will form the principal eventa to be decided. The Ronny Vale, yearlings, numbering 19, will arrive in Melbourne at the end of the week en route to Sydney, where they will ho wold at the Randwick annual On Enturlay and Sunday they will Ire on view at Measra, W.
C. Yuille and Newwhipped rants, and on Monday they will be to Sydney by the Kanowna. At the time the departure of the last mail M. E. Derby colt, Lord Burand goyhe.
WAN reported to be doing very well, if he goes on all right he in ail in be certain starter at Epsom. Lord Burgoyne in he always described French colt. but really bred by the Inte Duke of English. Devonshire, and his pedigree in purely Mr. A.
V. Ifi-kena has derided to include a steeplechiac in the programine Af the meeting to he held at Valley on 34th Mr. April (Eight flours day). James commodious Wilson, well appointed and training catabliahment at Ascot Vale. known AR "I be submitted to auction by Menara, Tadeell take Brow.
at 4 p.m. on Friday. The sale will place on the property, on the Epaom-road and Vale-strest. entry for the hurdle FACE at too Moonce late to Valley on Saturday wan recrived The be inrluded ia the official list, Williamatown Racing Club continues to pursue its progressive and liberal The policy Faster in matter of providing of the Monday programme, approved by committee yesterday, contains being toney to the amount of 1200 al the corresponding nesting The several distributions are SPORTING NOTES. JUDGMENT RESERVED, Yesterday the dianated boundary which occupied the attention of the High Court for 22 days, WAs brought to COnelusion at noon.
It is eatimated that the cost of the suit, in which five judges, five K.Ca, and four junior counsel were engaged, will amount to nearly £10,000, Barristers' lees alone will absorb about $5000, Yesterday two and half bours ware occupied by Mr. Nesbit, K.C, in his concluding address to the bench on behalf ofthe plaintif State. )r. Nesbit supported the argument previously put forward by Sir Josiah Symon, and briefly reviewed the evidence of several of the scientitic witnesses in favor of his contention that the best possible and reasonable means had not been adopted to arrive at the proper dary in 1847. The onus, he said, was on Victoria to show that, making allowance for human imperfections, the best methods available at the time hed been taken advantage to fr the buundary with degree of accuracy.
This the defendant State had not done, and to say that brcause the boundary was arrived at under the of two Governors it we a son able compliance with the statute we abaurd. line, he contended, was loose, temporary haphazard one, and and bad been fired in. alipshod Mr. Justice Issacs: There were skilled persons employed at the time, including Captain Frome, Wade and others. Mr.
Nesbit: Poor Wade, he was only too glad to get employment. He was mere mechanical man. li you remember the genesis of Wade's employment. he WE. not solemnly engaged to fix the boundary permanently.
There WAR no foundation to burld a permanent line on. and the whole thing was grotemjue. A year'n obThe servation at least should have been taken. Chief Justice: A man does thing wientifically, and you come in dity years time and way he is an ignoramus. Mr.
careless method No, had your Honor; say the observers been adopted, and should have were We not checked they alter been. had no remedy to it until this court came into The land belonged to South Australia der the law of the Empire. At the conclusion of Mr. Nesbit's dress the court reserved judgment. DISOBEDIENT INSOLVENT.
ALLEGED CONTEMPT OF COURT. COSTLY ACTION. TO-DAY'8 Wednesday, Edwin Aluysiua Gill, tea packer, of Middle Park, appeared before Judge Monle in the Insolvency Court yesterday, at the instance of Mr. J. V.
M. Wool, in his estate, to show cause why, for failure to obey an order of the court made last August, he should not be committed for contempt. Mr. Wond WAN represented by Mr. Harold Cohen Pavey, Wilson and Cohen).
On 29th August Gill appeared before the court on 4 compitlsory certuicate at the instance of Mr. Wood. He wan granted a certificate of discharge, and WAR ordered (0 1'S Ed the cuBle, charges and expenses, at the rato of a month. He was told that it he was unable to meet these instalmenta he could make representation 10 his Honor, who would, if he saw fit, make an order su-pending the payments. The truetce had made reprated applications since then, but the insolvent had not paid any of the monthly inatalmenta Insolvent atated that, not having bad regular employment, and having earned at invat £2 a week when in work, He had not been able to pay the amounts due.
He way last employed by a grocer, but missed without any stated reason. During the recent raving carnival at Klemington he lost His Honor: You were dismiesed, I sunpose, because you went to the races. am going to make an order committing you to gaol. Insolvent begged his Honor not to send him to prison. His Honor waid he had no sympathy with Involvent.
He had touted the court and disobeyed its directions. He would, bowever. give him a chance. He direrted that the warrant against him for contempt af court should not issue out af the nflue on condition that he paid the in the monthly, instulmenta of and that he almo paid to the fraignep the cute of the present application. £2 The warrant would inane at if he made default in ALLY him without leave of the court.
RAILWAY EMPLOYES. THE AMALGAMATION PROPOSAL. The Amalgamated Society of Railway Employes and the Trans ortution Society have decided not to close the counting of the vote on the union proposal until Friday. This is on account of the Number of voting papers which have not yet reached the ofien of the secretary of the Amalgamated Kociety from the country dirtriets. The votes alrendy counted point to the likelihood of amalgamation proponal heing carried by an overwhelming majority.
l'p to the prescuit 2777 members of the Amalgamated Borirty have recorded their votes in favor of the project, and. 15 Against: and 973 mambera of the Transportation Soclety in favor, and 51 against. TRAM CONDUCTOR'S TROUBLE. HIS DISMISSAL RESENTED. The of Conductor Frederick Keam from the employ of the Melbourne Tramway Company is likely to produca Home diasatifaction among employem.
It is contended that the dismissal of Keam was unwarranted, and that he was not given the slightest opportunity of defending himself. The matter way placed in the hands of Menars. Frank Brennan and Rundie, solicitors to the Australian Tramway Employes' Association, who communicated with the manager oi the company. A reply was receired yesterday, stating that as far as the company was concerned the matter was at an end. It in alleged againet Keam that he fully damaged a punch.
He denies the 80. curation. He statea that one clay last month when he linished his work he took him outfit to the window where the exmnination takes place, and receired "All right." On the following day he was told he was wanted in the head office. He maw the ansistant manager (Mr. Wilcox), who made a charge of A punch against him, replied and that asked him for an explanation.
Kram he handed punch was all right when it in after his day's work. The explanation WAR not considered vatiafactory by. the man.rger, and on the day folA.irl lowing Keam roorfred his discharge. Keam yesterday that, as the charge rally amounted to an scensation of din. honesty.
he desired to publicly issue A hir challenge to the company to either clear character of the stain cast upon it or to prosecute him in criminal court. SUNDAY TRADING. AN UNSUCCESSFUL APPEAL. Turnday. At the Court of Gencral today, before licensee of Judge Nelghbour, George With, againat a Tattersall's Motel, appealed conviction reorded against him it the police court by Mr.
E. William, fined P.M., £8 on 37th December, when he was for Funday trading. Mr. W. F.
Molexworth appeared for appollant, and Mr. N. Leon for the Crown. Thr grounds of the appeal were that the conviction wan nut supported by sufficient evidence. The pridence of the promention was that the police catered the hotel on Sunday, lith December, and found in the room quantity of liquor and soreral glaxaca, one of which appeared to lure been recently wad.
The defence WAR that the and liquor wan uned for treating relatives friends of the licensee. Thr convictinn was upheld. An appliration for reduction of the Ane, which had heen increased from to CO at defendant's request, to allow of appeal, was refused. estantion Boot estantion Boot and Seaford Hurdle Race, of 150 two miles; Ferteral Handicap, of 100 furlongs: Easter CuP, of 300 one mile and quarter; Steeplechase, of 150 two miles; Juvenile Handicap, of 200 five furlongs: and Werribee Plate. of 150 six furlongs and a half.
All classes of horses are well provided for in the foregoing programme. Lyntourie was yesterday for an engaguments at the Ballarat Turf Club meeting. to be held on Thursday and Friday noxt. The jockey W. J.
Smart. who was disqualified William for town three years steward for 18 foul a riding by the inquiry into the cause of the accident at the meeting held on 11th February, when four, horses fell, appealed 10 the V.R.C. againat the decision, on the ground that he wns not present when the evidence Againat him wan riven, and therefore had no opportunity of examining the witnesses. He moreover that he is not guilty, and will produce evidence in proof plea. 'The V.R.C., after hearing Smart's evidence, remitted the case to the Williamstown stewards to be reheard and considered.
The latter body had the matter again before them renterday afternoon, and adjourned further consideration of it indeRnitely. Mr. E. West, secretary of Bower's ternall's, will to- be entertained by the member at the club ronme at 2 p.m. prior to him departure to England on prirate business.
In connection with the Ballarat Tur! Club a Cup meeting to be held to- morrow, special horse and passenger train will leave at 8.20 A.m., and A special passenger train at 0.35 a.m., ing at 6.30 p.m. on Friday. Comedy King is not to he entered for the next Melbourne Cup. or any other big handicap of the spring. Tix nounced this decision at Sydney yeaterday.
(WEDNESDAY), 23nd MARCH. RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS. Special Passenger Trains will louse No. tO form, cast end Flin lem street station, for Mord al. loc, at 12.14, 12.47, 1.10, 1.98.
and 1.48 p.m., stopping At to pick up passengere. ORDINARY THAINS to Mordimiloc leave No. platform, station. AL 12.20. 1.12, 1.45 and 2.30 p.m.
THE HORSE SPECIAL will Scare Newmarket at Flinders-arrect, 12.50; at 12.25 p.m. PROGRAMME: FIRST RACE STAHTS AT 2.25 y. FIRST DIVISION HANDICAP, of 50 Bix Furlongs. Nadir 0 Clara Butt 7 Decima Ron ('ruachan 12 8kybolt Bambi 6 10 Harg 18 Atari Full gall 18 Black Tutst 10 (hittarong Mina Bobalil irregal Rosarlew Tuning Fork Bonax Okupi klealist JUMPERS' FLAT RACE, of 50 One Mile and a Quarter. Golden Cairn 10 11 Montreal 10 Benburh Dudtey 10 Iva Optima Paul Mineral: Simon 8 Tularno Vanquisher Altar B.
13 Stratton 0 Bilvin Bos ung 1 George foulet Lady Faker 8 12 Quizerte 20 0 HASHUAP of 60 Sors. Two 'and Twenty-four Chair. Fary Jack 10 11 1v; 9 Averon Brown 10 7 5 Lady sicking SECOND DIVISION HANDICAP, of OJ SoYa, Bir Furlong. Royal Spinnrel 13 Lord Illinois 11 Palm trek Careful Sard ou Harlech Our Prim: Proposer Muring Gull Cord The Maid 0. 11 Inlv Druve Hemlndlut Biplane I.PSOM HANDICAP.
of 6: Sows. One Wile, 1 Mota -tr Itnurs 8 10 Golden Cairn 6 13 6 13 Yarrabar Blind Harry Belle, Mobreicht 0 London era Coppertoy Toron Lass 6 Cannot 6 Ben 4'roachan De SHinner 0 THIRD DIVISION HANDICAP, of 30 cOve Five Furlongs. Pondamnine 0 Purloigh 8 Pretau 12 Baruis 6r Erotic 8 12 Mimou Nupkerb 8 lady Ontario 8 Vanity L.g reema On Hotta! Freon 1. 007 Thanlin Sue 8 L' In dermiss Not COLDSTREAM TURF CLCB. 103 601'8.
103 ANNUAL AUTUMN MEETING, WEDNESDAY. in APRIL, 191L. -TRIAL receive HANDICAP, of 14 second bo: se to 2 BUYS, out uf stake. 6 2. HANDICAP HACK BRACE, of AOTA, Mintmum weight.
o. 7 amateur riders, fut. long. 'LADIES' BRACELET. Bracelet date, graurously valued H.
Lily. at second fu receive 14.1 MOVE, aud third. 1 NAP. Novelly rare for ponies a.IL., 17 to the inoh. Lituit COLD to 111 EL fan fur.
by. horse of 40 tu receive 5 stake. mile. 1 neceptanre, 14 hands 'POST of 1 for ponire 4. 1, there height to be in at Limo of entry.
furto -WELTER 14 second horse Minimum rootre 2 from the stake. furlouga. weight, Til. lb, NoaL. to Td, from the stake.
5 furlongs of 14 second horse Entries H. T. clown Hutton, MARCH. 1911. with 5 p.m., And wit! the Melbourne, st at 6 p.m.
"Sporting Wrights to apprar in A "Argue" and Winner Judac" on AD il wright. to of comy any 1 penalts, after declaration nf No horse will 110 Laid. Trie unless Miartina mi money bu urevioualy In le used All errata. by Mr. J.
T. Wright. Hook. will he foos, accepted 21 it height same must two measurmi. Ponies not producing A will KA'E leave TRAIN conveying horses and fares.
turning Admission immediately to after Holiday excursion Iridge at 10,56 a.m.. Ac atphines after a.m. an -Gentlemen, day of ladira, be sent lo tho racecourse, rules must hered to strictly adD, F. MURPHY, Hon. Colds MELTON RATE CLUB.
1 mile. longs. CLUB OPEN FLAT RACE, 12 MOVE. 5 fur. HUNT (LARS have TROT.
not '8 mile, For horses that ret place record. ance. Nomination, 5 per NOIR. ull priso; no V.R.C, Close with -bulldings, Recretary, or H. T.
Sutton, March, 1911, tourke street, Oh 27th morning of TRAIN Ira: A rity 10.90 a.m, the raced, returning same evening. ALBERT LEE, lion. Sov. BALLARAT TURF CHUM. CUP MEETING.
al makers. A V.R.C, steward in attrimlance. Spacial at here and pavenger train leaven Mel. A.m.. returning 8.20, 0.50 Mod at Friday evening.
Excur Ion farce. Craig's MARRY N'GOLDRICK, Secretary. MAFFRA RACER. THURSDAY, 22rd MARCH. Spertal Train Learnt Finder aLreet at 1 Returning Same Day.
SIX EYESTA. NINTY SEVEN INTRIES. HOLIDAY EXCURSION PARED OVERLAND CYCLING. White, the overlanding cyclist, left Fremantle on overland to Melbourne and from thence to COUNTRY RACES, YEA. -The Tom Racing Club's unnual meeting was hell on Tureday, Then the attendance culy moderate.
Haudicap, furlongs -A. Kilmuit, by Chesterman C'ameo, (V. Youren), A. Tarfoot, 1,7 Ml. Nadirra), 1.
These were the only starters. to on Kilmutt, who won by lenathe. Time, 1 main. Pony Handirap, Are Jemen's Referenda, 2.10 (J. 1: T.
King's Treaty, 10.3 (J. Kenny), Gold Pearl started. to Referentia. Won by length. Yes Handicap, furlongs Black Native, by PrestonEthrt, 9.0 (P.
M'Cann), P. Lowla's fJ. Y. Mascotte also started. ting: 5 to 4 on Black Native.
Tine, 2 Won by half length. Hack Hace-Newlyn, P.7 (F. Youren). Tartoot, 9.0 (A. Jamiesont, Starlight, 3, Betting: to on Tartuot.
Against Starlight, Newlyn. Time, min. arG. Flying Statra, Harrington's Complay, hy (Redfern), R. Pollock a Apex, 9.1 (Youren).
4 Footmark also started. Deities: 6 to on Gunplay, who won by half a length. Thine, 1 min, 19 Novelty Pony Race, four furlong J. Jensen' 8.0 4.1. Are's Yank thay, 7.0 (Redforn), Steel, Ruby Dum also stared.
Betting: to I on Time, sec. Welter Handicap J. Lewis's Staple, by Padlock -Ehb Thie, 9,9 1. Kelly), 0. Kyle's A.4 Betting: 6 to.
On against Staple. Won by best. Time, 1 min. 81 COURSING. NATIONAL COURSING CLUB OF VICTORIA.
Club The meeting of the Natimal the of offices Victoria Wad beld youtentay al 8 p.m. at of the club, 121 Queen -street, when there wore A. H. Cox (in the chair), J. O'Dwyer (N C.C.), P.
J. Wilkinson W. T. Wright (Watchem), C. Gilecron (Varraw ouga), T.
Kelly (Hwan -P'. F. Killeen (Penshurst), W. Stapleton 1 1. C.
Morpeth (Nhill), Lewts Bell (Cro ay), T. Tutchell (Kysbrain), A. Hyde (Hexham And Mound Caldwell (Maldon) Freel, Morris The minutes of the annual meeting were trad and conArmed. Letters of apology for not attendance were team 1. F.
Outhrie and J. Avery The balance shecet an presented die0 highly mati-fartory position, the errit balance having considerably increased during the twelur In FO much no that, on the or Mr, W. T. Wright, by Mr. D.
d. Morpeth, it was to place the of 2400 al Axid deposit for two years with the lank of The following office hearer were F. Mr. A. H.
Cox; Metera, 4, Girthrir Count E. K. VOD vice predidenta; Sir. A. R.
Pearson. tromaurer: Mr. John Kunday, while Mr. J. C.
M. Glee. son was appriatod huntery aurlitor. After some discussion it to Increase the 'a Dilary 4101 to CIA per annum; and on Mr. the W.
funtion u1 Mr. D. 0. Mororth, accorded by Wright, home of £25 voted to Mr. granime Mundas for for the his fixtures past of year's Tie pmthe various clubs 1 by the thn Atatr for the ensuing season, pre: after concideruble discussion.
approval FOOTBALL. METROPOLITAN ASSOCIATION. LEOPOLD CLUB. The annual mreling of the Lempold Football Club, premiera of the Metropolitan A its held on Munday erening in the wymnustum cit the Melbourne cricket ground. The president, C.
k. Thuntson, presided ayer a large 14 The annual report rp. nut terred to hos In last the -urred of the club in premiership and mated What 16 wore expected to join the tanks during the ensuing year further was Receinte fur the your totilled 2129 14 of which donations represented 465. and on of the premiership. The ture amounted to 2115 19,9, the principal i.era 422; model, and uniforms, 213 77: electric mArbandages, ku, 24 There was a credit holange al 04 14:4.
bearers were elected as follow: Proddent: Mr. C. K. Thomson; ary. Mr.
D. a a siant Mr. E. Glow; More. J.
'Brien, V. Gordon. J. R. Brige, F.
fav. A. Ninelair And R. 074 patch Mean. F.
Glu4 and R. Biggs: delegates 10 Marshall and Hearne: Neim. E. locking 4110 E. Cathie.
1n another mumn. the annual meting of the Metropolitan for Twaday next. Aunlirationg are in from Acid umpires, to he sent to tho hon. J. V.
Deane. care Melbourne Sports Wedne PRAHDAN alas. F.C- Applirations from 1 are inviled up to TRAINER to above club: from PLAYERS 34 (O.K HI. State and salary to J. W.
STEN. 33 Malvern. BOWLING. Dredge v. Rurion.
ATHLETICS. CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS TOURNAMENT. This event will tw I thia aftertionn, 00 the undermentinncel commencing At sharp. ere to caret ity not.o the lista AR it ham bren tound me. cessary to alter the prune on which 5 me of the wore originally placel.
The 1 the Victoria Green. -Niven (F.D,) v. d. Tatchell Wallace (N.F.) v. A.
Donnelly (Ciur), F. Paacoe (Mrlb.) 1. F. F. Robinaon d.
A. Tutor (Fasen. V. A. 4.
Bowman (M. Parki. Crow v. Pullar (St. Kilda).
F. At Crowe St. (A. Green. M.
H. L. Bra (M. (1-w,) Ponds) E. (P.
J. Waller (Preaton) A. 11. Park). At Carlton Wa'rre (E.
C) v. W. P. Francis (B. Beauh), .1, 9.
(Th roburs) W. Fleld W. K. Prt TO (R. F.
Tricks W. Htinh-pe M.C.C.) v. .1. Robe E. At Richmond Union tirren, P'ant (North.
on: 0) Y. L. (9 J. hall nham) (Frotect- 1 v. d.
Need ham (V. B.A. champion), TIE VETERANS' TROPIIY. This tournament. will continued thin afternoon.
on the City green. at 3 o'olock The followinig 18 the Powis. Gillespie v. Stinton. FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE SPORTS.
Thr council of the of cmnitr quire has Anally selertel the fallowing tram to represent Auriralabla at the Cor. niti A games at Talon during Jump and Willing (N.7.). rumine. -H. Harwick and M.
C. Champion Runninic. A. Wheatley W. A.
Re" ml 41. 110-. P. Wresting. -V.
Smythe anti K. W. Echneider Marwick (N.A.W.). All portA cf the will br at those which will he of amat nature. the only prize awar het being tho Empire empire.
The team lecte! a- to the winning section of the Br Limb Attralinne, who may hr pregent at the Corona Ion itira, and 110 Kerrires Li shr Rhodes scholars will be alan be regulaitioned. The of the Australasian council bai resulte1 in tram thorouthly nf th" clAM of Australasian sport, will doubites or the ollmate" th Gt the Victorian members of the 104m, Mr. F. Pr leasin In 120 dirtiaved his owe expenses. F17r21 of 10 lx calami to mont Mr.
01 hi. am. ha; baR already harn rained from private An the 1he Victorian Amatonr Asan. cialinu. rare The Amateur Sports Club, he furl.
The New Koland Governalent allisod 1 ackron ledce further 8 bar the na: aspert nf the movement. end hay grantel while Mr. has 19.1 reallard the that will Pestilt to Vrw South W. has promised for up to £20, The hon. recalvel tareasurer of the Wheat'ey fand has far the fall wing 1, Kellow.
D': Dr. A. N. M' Arthur, 43 3 A. Adamson.
M.A.. £3 31: A. D. Bartott. 14 Dr.
Kent Hughes, 45 W. Ferguson, 14: M. R. Frederion, 1. M.
P. R. W. E. Wilmal.
A. J. Parkina R. Garland, 41 W. A.
Watt. M. Farenion Harriet. 41 1': The 'luk, 0. M.
M. F. R. 11. 1.
('roll, D. 104: Nmith. J. J. Maher, A.
D. Ellis, the representalives must Brave for England by the end of this month, An early response tu 1hi4 appeal for funds fo hoped for. CRICKET. ARMY V. BAR.
the The hurol almnual of erirket England match will take place Grammas ground nf the Army aul Rar on the Thurarias next. 'The will hr by P'olonal Plot. 4. Major Kirby, Lieutenants Captain Waters, Crespin, Mason. Jenninga Spiere, Rigeli, at 11.30 a.m.
and Band Play will begin A aporial meeting of the Virtorian Junior Hold moriation, 1, third grade, will ho hold at the Orient the overing. 1p ininvire Emit urotest laid hv the City road club against the John's rosult of this Melbourne). protest. The premiership lies on to-lay, M.C'.C. et v.
11.80 Ormond College, at the a.m. The at watch A Travellers Hotelkeopera, to 1o-lay, will at he the following, 'The Travellers' team will hr Gina in 111 gerald, Gallery, Copn, Caldwell, Encl tzfor Kenny. and Lovett, Watson. King. Patterson, Tay- BOXING.
BRUTAL ENCOUNTER. ILL. -J. Amustrong harl a rilicu1 in on polite E. the 20 during which night, Anuntrong men pnated went hie Theatre on Monday The ting trona's it.
brad on the left 03'0, cut a- he liked. In third round ArmIhr remainter fight. durine the last. injury Entir for Arinatrong worked on the round of which ft wan closed up, I resop bed several witches put In It. The Tra'uned next Melbourne Athletic Club's tourney will be will be Monday night, when eight Content fought.
BOXING. MALNOURNE ATHLETIC CLUB, MONDAY. OF th MARCH. CONTINUATION NOVICE TOURNEY. Canter la for Pronounced by press and publie to De the best part and Cream ammement to be had for the box.
Prices tada GRAT, LACROSSE. The annual general meting of the Essenion club was held to halt, Macnee Ponds, on Monday evening. There was a good artendance. over by C. Graham, captain of the section tram.
The report showed that the senior team had arrain carried off ship honors for 1016, making the Alth cone year. The election of beaters silted so fellow socratary. Mr. V. Rows thorne: hon, treasurer.
Mr. A. G. Doyle; de to V.L.A., v. Rawathorne and J.
Elwards: committee A. Doyle, In Reilly, B. Clear, L. C. Leelle.
J. g. Edwardo, und the hun. accretary. la expected that unter the new and -with practically the same tram last year, the Essendon club will have successful naton.
SWIMMING. STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS. The 880 Yarda Blate Championahin and the pionship Diving Competitions will br at 81. Kilde bathe on Saturday next, in connection with the carnival of the Melbourne club. Entries munt be sout to the hon.
necrotary club not later than to Wednesday, to enable 1hr names competitors be included in the published pro- EIGHT HOURS SPORTS. ENTRIES CLOSE for ALL EVENTS on SATU'R- DAY, 35th MARCH, at 10 p.m. Entries received every evening from 8 to 10 p.m. Room No, 5, Trades Hall, Carlton. R.
H. BILL, Sports Secretary, EXHIBITION RA'ILDING, FASTER WEEK. YE DRUID9' OLDE FAYKE, In Aid of the Alfred BOXING ANd WASTAINA COMPETITIONS. All Under the patronage am! rules of the V.A.A Takre plare an the 18th, 25th and APRIL. the Entries Ion.
12 6th April, al the nifice of J. ARENAN, bers, 340 Collina-street. A CYCLIST'S INJURIES. 147 DAMAGES AWARDED. The etion for 4240 damages arising out of collision between a motor car and a bleycle on the Keilnt-road on 4th Boptember last.
WAR concurled before Judge Johiaton and a jury of four at the County Court youterday. Plaint iCE Arthur de lacy Leonard, carpenier, Brunwick, sad Limited. defendants wit the Taxi -Cab Proprietary the KeNor-road cane win that whilet eyeling alone Laxi-rah, driven by Acre a mol of the defendant company, shot our on the driving side of the road from bebind a WARKON, and collided with plaintiff, who had never let his proper riding sire. Plainin, win hal enter. ed far the Warrnathool to Melbourne road race, the was rendered Melbourne and wan removed to permanent injuries Hospital.
to He sustained ani his fare. and had his cy, injured, his cheek bone broken, alen his erm, his and him teeth, and he would he for long time prevented from followint his nc: upd tion. Snorinl wore claimed for the am win! mail to Drapital, 4G ramares tr bievole, 41 3 0: loss of ware. 221 and clothing damaged, The delon that there was no nog ligence on part the detendan: company: there WilL contributory negligence on the part of plaintin, ani that the wow ubir. Mr.
J. A. Wardry Gratrarted by Mr. J. Shannon) apprared for plaintiff, and Mr.
H. I. Cohen and Mr. Hogan by Mr. C.
Levy) 1ue defendant. The jury returned a verdict for 2147 damEntering of Judgment was deterred until this morning. SKELETON DUG UP IN A STREET. SYDNEY, Tureday, A gruesome disporery Wit A made to-day at Soni. While digging A trench in A public street the men unearthed human skull and bones.
The latter eluded thigh bones, ribe and vertobre. The remains are supposed to he those of an muriginal, and appear to have been in the wanel a great. nuntber of They have been vent to the morgue for examination. THEFT OF A TROTTING MARE. A ball theft of trotting mare wan reported to the Fitzroy police Traterday.
The anima 1 in quration in valued at 20 gu'nco-. and holougs to Mr. Wm. Tilley, pawnbroker. of Charles Wheeler, who la manag for Mr.
Til'ev, stater that he attendedl to the mire in the stable alt the rear of 116 at p.m. On leaving he but dil no: the sta'rlo rloor. Or hir return at 2 11.m. 1h0 animal bad disappeared. The matter was 10 the palice.
Constable Rohan made inquiries and trined that a man had ton reen to trad the mare along Napier, Gertrude and Fitzroy in Victoria -etiret, and at the Ins: name! point all ol him WAL4 Jest. Tr.r 170 hay with Block pointe, and is brended on the near shoulder. FOOTBALL. REFORM. OPEN AIR MEETING AT FITZROY.
REFORMERS ENTHUSLASTICALLY SUPPORTED. An open air meeting called by the to form party in the Fitzroy Football Olub Was held at the corner of Brunswick and Reilly streets, Fitaroy, last night, to advocate the claims of those who have been nominated officials on the reform ticket. There were between 800 aud 400 persona present. Mr. J.
W. Billion, M.L.A., presided. The Chairman, whose remarks were ire. questly cheered, expressed himself in favor of open payment of footballers in ence to the present underhand ayatem, whereby some were secretly paid, whilst others were not paid, and large sums of money were spent in holiday tripa which could not be shared in by the whole of the players. The reform party, he said, WAN loyal to the club, and would do its bent for it, even it beaten at the election next Monday evening.
Mr. L. Al Lelian movedThat, in the opinion of this meeting, a in the management of the club to desirable, in inquire the confrenge of members and and in any circumstances those premat pladge themwelvea to be loyal to the club. He said the statement of some of the players that they would not play it the reform party wan waa all "bunkum." A certain party pulling the strings, and they were jumping to the music. wan in favor of an honest balAnce sheet being published.
Mr. Geoff. Moriarty seconded the motion, which wen supported by Moire. R. King, W.
Walker and W. M'Aperrin, and carried almost unanimously. second mottou. proposed by Mr. W.
Walker, and seconded by Mr. 1. Arrowamith, was also carried. by which the meeting pledged itself to support the nomination the reform Altogether the meeting was Putcessful one for the reformers. REFERENCES AT YARRAVALE.
In opening the annual meeting of the Yarraville Junior Football Club, the retiring presid-nt, Mr. J. H. Murray, said that al: bough the club bad Ween succemful In the held; although their 1r- come had amounted to the aubatantia! sum, for Junior teem, of they had terminated WARON with a dehit balance of 219 1t WAR quite time they had reform in the conduct of tho game of toothall, and him belief that with straightforward payment of players both players and munmittee would beneftt. (Applause.) lie held the opinion that 24 the players drew tho crowds theirs should he the reward.
(Applause Ant nut be manaerd on bust noadike of all, federation of Leagur ant wAR roquirel, and after that a schemu for the conduct at the Maine acceptable to all should be For his part, be rongir the scheme drat published in Age." and arupted by the and Fitzroy clubs, all which should be enforred on all that moreal the maximum amount payable 14 play WAS per week, hast it, predit4 pros blol Nia: At the rad at each seam the it be divhled the players, bit not paid over, exu.pt by arrangement, until players either mothed frm the or severed thir notion with their club. (Applause.) Unter h.it. arrangement players would not recetve sutrient to enable them to live on the but on thir they would reccive tump man that would enable them to furnish bore; to pay substantial deposit on or to atari busi. The spirit of thrift would be players would he mare than ever envious to HAG their cluty and managed, and roma paymenta wold not be tolerated. as it would reducing the annual to 40L aside.
In senior ruthe player after Awe service 1. :1 matriately macccarful rluh world coho anything from upwards, and in ivory the set.our woul prove 11.71190. 1 In 131 1..1 form, he believed the con' 1 ho given Mect to with wood sulta in football a and he 111151: that the proposal would receive the hrarte RITE nt rtm intervaled in the of the (Applause,) ALFRED HOSPITAL BAZAAR. In connection with the forthcoming basnar in aid of the Alfred the Richmond stall committee has arranged for an invitation concert this evening, and for fancy dress skating nival on Wednewlay, 5th April, in the Cry: al Palace Skating Rink, Bridge-roud. The 170 to hr devoted to furnish the Richmond chen and pantry at the Easter Fair in the Exhibition.
At the carnival there will he prizes for the heat dreamed lady, the most graceful the beat waltzing couple, for race and a guessing competition. ABSOLUTE reliahitity and merit huvo made Antibilious Pill world famoti4, Five generations of doctors bave riled them. DO IT NOW. If you are likely to be away, or unable, owing to ill-health, to get to a Polling Booth on 26th APRIL, VOTE BY POST. APPLICATION FORMS FOR POSTAL BALLOT PAPERS AND ALL INFORMATION ABOUT POSTAL VOTING MAY BE OBTAINED AT ANY POST OFFICE, Or at the Offices of The Council of the Leagues, Third Floor, Equitable Building, Collins-street: The Australian Women's National League, Mercantile-chambers, Collins-street; The Commonwealth Liberal Party, The Block, Collins-street; The People's Party, Fifth Floor, Equitable Building, Collins-street.
VOTE NO. 1 1.